
Egg Freezing & Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation involves the cryopreservation (freezing) of eggs, sperm, or embryos for patients who are concerned about future fertility. The frozen tissue will be stored in liquid nitrogen tanks at lower than 300 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit) to be later used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatments.

A number of factors can lead to the desire for fertility preservation, including:

  • The onset of cancer and other severe diseases
  • The effects of the treatment of cancer (chemotherapy or radiation)
  • Other severe diseases affecting fertility (endometriosis, lupus, autoimmune disorders)
  • Surgical impact on reproductive organs
  • Delaying child bearing for social reasons (career, lifestyle, etc.)
  • Advancing age

The technology for fertility preserving treatments has advanced significantly over the last few years. Our IVF embryology team at Bloom Reproductive Institute is highly skilled and knowledgeable in the latest techniques, including vitrification (freezing) of eggs and embryos with high success rates.